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Thursday, 29 March 2012


In one sentence state your research field (ex. French rococo, Wellington architecture, postmodernism, etc.) Make sure to use APA style for the bibliographic material and keep annotations to about 50 words for each source. Annotations should describe very generally the content of the source and why it might be useful for your subject.

I have decided to focus on the field of Neoclassical design.
1: Book with a single author

This book explains how london was drastically transformed by a neoclassical storm from 1755 to 1810 and contains over 400 photographs of the architecture, design and decoration architects used to do so. It also discusses new materials that were used aswell and aided me in my study by giving me incite into the methods architects use.

Stillman, D. (1998). English Neoclassical Architecture. London, England: A.Zwemmer Ltd.

2: Scholarly journal article
This journal explains the impact that the neoclassical movement had at the start of the 19th century and features of neoclassicism brought to western europe which is described as the rebirth of antiquity. This has helped my study in explaining the neoclassical period by demonstrating examples of the rebuild of modern athens and which is considered a very significant achievement in neoclassical architecture.

Papadakis.A.C., Jorgensen.L.B., Porphyrios.D., (1987). Neoclassical Architecture in Copehagen & Athens (Volume 57 no ¾). London, England: Academy Group Ltd.

3: Edited book

This book is primarily about architecture and has emphasized the importance of the french theory of rationality, in architecture, in the 1800's, and also contains information on english architecture. This has helped in my study by expanding my view of different architectural styles throughout the nineteenth century in France and England.

Middleton, R., Watkin, D., Alison. E. C. (ed). (1980). Neoclassical and 19th century Architecture: Harry N. Abrams, incorporated.
4: Website

This website consists of the influence of classical greek and roman architecture in neoclassical design, neoclassical assumptions and their implications, social themes, and the idea that reason should guide people to create designs logically. This website has been useful for my study as it has given me a better view on the ideas of neoclassicism.

Neo-Classicism. 17/8/2000. Retrieved from

5: Image

This image is of the L'église de la Madeleine based on Maison du Caree at Nimes, the ancient temple. It was commissioned by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1806 to commemorate and glorify the achievements of Napoleons great army. We can tell this is a neoclassical design because of the precise straight lines, tall columns and triangular pediment which hint to democratic empowerment. This helped to uniform society with a strict hierarchy. This helped to further my understanding of the styles renaissance in the nineteenth century.

Photographer Unknown.(2003). L'église de la Madeleine (Photograph). Retrieved from


This drawing was done by Jim Dine and I found it an interesting technique to emulate because, with the use of shadow, or "backround noise" it projects form in the image. This is considered to be a technical style. I enjoyed working with a different material (charcoal) also. I hope to further investigate this technique as i find it produces an awesome and effective piece of art.






Monday, 19 March 2012

About me

My name is Nikolai Scott, I was born in Christchurch and I have been living in Wellington for 18 years. I enjoy hanging out with friends, surfing, drawing, dirt biking, hunting and fishing. I attended Wellington College which is an all boys school. I excelled in art and design technology compared to the other core classes. I dropped out of school in seventh form and decided that money was my main priority, this is when I started a plumbing trade course at Whitireia Polytechnic. This then led me into an apprenticeship and after a year and a half I then decided it was not for me. I contacted my art teacher from school and he encouraged me to pursue my interests in art and design. I am now studying a bachelor of design and innovation at Victoria University. I am also minoring in psychology because I believe this will give me some insight into how the consumer will behave and react to products that I will develop in the future, so I can use that to my advantage. I am inspired to start designing mainly by the commercial side of design. I find apple quite fascinating and unique compared to other products in this area because of its simplicity, user friendliness and their sleek design and believe that some day I too could produce a similar outcome. I aspire to complete my degree with a masters certificate and to work for a New Zealand company to gain experience. I hope to one day move into deeper waters and own my own company in which I will bring simple yet user friendly products, like that of apple to people across the world.