This image found on trademe is of a rococo style mirror. To distinguish this piece as a piece of rococo design I will discuss what the style is and I will also discuss why it was criticised by so many.
The rococo style originated in France, in the 18th century (Smith, 2011) and rose to prominence in stable and prosperous societies, in which people were open enough to encourage new ideas (Petty, 2012). French rococo was seen by some as exuberant, emotional and organic (Petty, 2012), however, the pioneers of Gothic revivalism, criticise this style, due to the features which distinguish it (Petty, 2012). These features are a-symmetrical form, irrationality, curvilinear design, aquatic themes and false principles. (Petty, 2012).
The trademe mirror above embodies all of these features. The Design flaw can be seen within the object, having an a-symmetrical form and a border which overlaps the face of the mirror (top left). This flaw is obvious because the basic principal of a mirror is to look upon a clear image of one’s self, and not the ornament surrounding; therefore, it shows irrationality in the design work. (Petty, 2012).
The curvilinear design can be seen on the mirrors gilded border and the designer has incorporated an aquatic them into this. A.W. Pugin (a pioneer of gothic revivalism) said “Silversmiths are no longer artists; they manufacture silver headed spoons punchy racing cups and cumbersome tureens and wine coolers; their vulgar salvers are covered with a sprawling rococo edged with a confused pattern.” (Petty, 2012). Pugin would have criticised and loathed this mirror as it displays false principles of design. The principles false being, that it is an imitation of nature and an inappropriate decoration for the mirrors function (Petty, 2012). If there were true principles shown within the design the mirror would show nature as a model for ornament and there would be appropriate ornament for the object (Petty, 2012), thus, this is not so.
French rococo design was and is seen by some as exuberant, emotional, and organic; however, the flaws previously discussed most certainly weigh down the positive aspects of this mirrors design. Therefore, I agree with Pugin and believe that the rococo style is an overstated and ugly design style.
J. Petty. 2012. Wk_4_Design_reform.Pdf. Lecture notes. Unpublished lecture notes, Victoria university, Wellington, New Zealand.
J. Petty. 2012. Wk_4_Design_reform.Pdf. Slide 6. Unpublished lecture notes, Victoria university, Wellington, New Zealand.
J. Petty. 2012. Wk_4_Design_reform.Pdf. Slide 7. Unpublished lecture notes, Victoria university, Wellington, New Zealand.
S. E. Smith. 2011. Wisegeek .Retrieved from: