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Wednesday, 17 October 2012




For my precedent images I looked at naturally occuring organisms (following on from a word from my last project) and old precious objects and jewellery that fascinate me like that of the egyptians. I wanted to harness the 3d printers abilities to create a form that would not form or grow naturally and could not simply be cast with raw metal or other materials. I have decided that I want to combine the two to create a precious object that incorperates nature but with an egytian style flare.



For my sketches I took different aspects from my precedent images and combine them to create objects that could become precious looking in 3dsmax but also with nature incorperated into them.
Solid Works Development

3DS Max Iterations 

These are the final three models I have decided to use after my experimentation and development with my sketches translated into solid works and then into 3ds max.

Final Model
This is my final model, it has been dyed a gold/yellow colour with the inside "eyeball" dyed a translucent blue/green - royal colours to represent a precious object. In this model I have combined the shape of an eye and also used the patterns from tree stems (on each side) to show the value of the patterns in nature. 

 Final Render
With my final render I wanted to show these objects portrayed as expensive artifacts. The background is coloured velvet to resemble a jewellery box in which precious items are kept and with the lighting I wanted to show the value of the model through  the shine of the material but the contrasting shadows represent age as if they have been forgotten over time as some precious artifacts are.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012


Hero Model

This is the hero model I used from the previous project and I will be designing it through he use of adobe illustrator.

Precedent 1 for laser cutting

I took this image as a preceden because it relates to the word dynamic (the plane can taxi on the ground and fly-change) which was one of the words i used in the first project. I also picked it because I wanted think about how a bird like model could be constructed and which kind of joints I could take from this to reflect it onto my model.

Precedent 2 for laser cutting

This image I took as a precedent because it relates to another  couple of my words from the previous project (flowing and organism) and also because of its skeletal structure. I would like to take some joint ideas from this and use them in my model.

3DS MAX sectioning tool

Used the sectioning tool in class to take sections from my model and transfer them into adobe illustrator. Unfortunately I do not have adobe illustrator sections to show.

3DS MAX slice tool

Used the slice tool in class aswell to take slices of my model to put into adobe illustrator but they did turn out very well.

Concept sketch shape

I was told by a tutor thats I could sketch my plans so I did so and came up with this shape as a start.

Sketch model concept

I then started to experiment with transferring my sketches into card models and experimenting with some simple joints. This joint simply lets the wings slide right through the body, however it doesn't work very well because there is nothing stopping the two pieces from sliding around.

Sketch model concept

I then started to use more parts and experiment with holes and wire. This worked and secures the parts, but it was not aesthetically pleasing.

Joint experimentation

I then started to experiment with more complex joints that also created body like structure.

Sketch design 

 This is a sketch of how I would like my final model to look. the slots on the wings resemble the shape of a profiled airplanes wing. The shape is called airfoil. The black shapes on here are card which I want to colour black and the white is acrylic.

Sketch design refined

I have started to draw up plans of what the parts will look like and how they will fit together - see picture.

Final sketch of Model parts with measurements

                                                Final parts ready to be put into adobe!

Finalised sketch parts traced into adobe illustrator

These are my final parts that I have put into illustrator.  After i had scanned them in I then traced around them and used the ruler tool so I could get my measurements down to the millimeter. 

Illustrator file

File ready to be laser cut!

Card parts for painting

This is the card ready to be painted. I used two coats on each side, however I had to be very gentle with the parts after it was painted because of the card quality (layers started to peal off).

Final Render

Final model photo

Model with stand

I have designed this stand to go with my model which embodies all of my words. The organism or the wooden base (driftwood) which is connected to a 5mm metal rod (dynamic - change from organic to synthetic) and this rod has been heated with a blow torch in several places to get a consistent curve which brings in the last word - flowing.

Monday, 13 August 2012


Flow - Verb

Move along or out steadily and continuously in a current.

Organism - Noun

An individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form or the material structure of such an individual.

Dynamic - Adjective

Characterized by constant change, activity, or progress.


I have chosen these precedent images because I believe they encaptulate the three  words i have chosen well.

All three are organisms, have a nice flow and shape to them and are dynamic and ever changing under any conditions

I wish to try and capture these forms in my work.


In this Sketch i have tryed to merge the precedents together to create some sort of organism shaped like a tree... Hopefully they will look this good on 3ds max!


This is my precedent image I have chosen to put into solidworks. I inserted the image and then used the spline tool to create an outline in which i then extruded to get my form for 3dsmax

This image shows the file from solidworks transferred into 3dsmax. I proceded to rotate it and then add some colour.

These are my first 10 iterations in which I have used different tools to manipulate to try to convey my words across. I have made them look like some sort of alien like organisms with curves to convey the word flow. They are dynamic because they are ever changing and appear to evolve. 

These are some textures I have picked out to use on some test renders. I have chosen some feathers because they come from an organism and flow nicely and are effected by movement making them dynamic to suite conditions.
This is a painting which has flow and multiple cracks so it keeps your eyes moviing about. Its an organic shade so it can suite an organism
This is tree bark which is from an organism, dynamic because it grows and changes and flows with some nice curves and shades.
This is my first render, i have used the green painting to texture it but no lighting or plane. I believe it shows good flow looks like an organism and is dynamic as the twist pulls out at the top.
These are the first 35 iterations I have created an I have arranged them in the shape of a plant to show a dynamic, growing and flowing organism. which will only get bigger with more iterations.
These are the final 81 which have grown and evolved into a tree-like form portraying the three words.
This is a test render for the 81. I have used omni lights coloured differently to give the final iteration an organic look and feel (brown for the trre trunk and green for the foliage on top). My hero is an organism flying to perch upon the tree. this shows in its landing body language.

This is a test render for my Hero. I have created shadow and it appears as though it is about to come into land. his body language shows flow.