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Sunday, 17 June 2012

Brain Storm

Set up and Models

This is one of the cast from the movie, he is the caveman and is made of black paper and 10 screws. This setup allows the model to function like that of a human with joints moving. This model is seen in the clip to run across the screen and I don't think i could have executed it better with a different setup.

This is where the magic happened, (picture of studio after project) the process consisted of a tripod and a lamp, I taylored a black screen to fit the window of the room to extinguish all the light from the room so it could be lit by consistent artificial light.


The audio was added by myself two different ways, it was recorded straight onto imovie with the computers microphone and was cropped in audacity and then put into imovie. these are some photos to help to show my process.


Group Work Signatures.


Here I have the required short test clip. In my test I wanted to understand how stop motion would work and behave and how i could use that to my advantage when starting my final. This test clip was done using a software called dragonframe. It shows a great result, however, this program was not user friendly and so I decided to use i movie instead. 
This is the clip..


For this project I have chosen to focus on industrial design.

This Redbull advert is what has inspired me into relating industrial design to evolution through the use of stop motion animation.

My standpoint and view on industrial design and what I have tried to portray in my stop motion video is that through the early stages of man kinds evolution, ape was able to manipulate objects and use this skill to its advantage. This ultimately paved the way to the success of human beings, because as we evolved as a race, the tools and "products" that were created along this journey, have shaped us and enabled us to flourish, cut through barriers, and gain power on planet earth, all while we share this with our fellow man through design and it is a "new way of seeing" industrial design.

It is evident that this is infact the case, and this can be seen even today. If we as a race wish to achieve a goal we will develop a tool to do so, just as the caveman developed the spear to hunt game, the evolved homosapien has developed the rocket to travel into space.

I believe this will continue to happen as long as the human race lives and believe that industrial design is on of the outstanding factors to leading us to fulfill our full potential.

RedBullNederlands. (May 6, 2011). Red Bull EVOLUTION. Retrieved from

Wednesday, 6 June 2012


The first picture shows the ape in a tree. The ape is using a stick as a tool which depicts the dawn of design, he then jumps down from the tree and proceeds to evolve into a caveman. The stick that the ape was carrying transforms into a spear which symbolizes that through the evolution of human kind, design has evolved with it. Caveman further evolves into an Egyptian with a decorative background showing the beauty in the evolution of design. A sword then swings down which is symbolistic of cutting through any barrier that comes our way. The next scene shows a plane and then the next, a tank. This represents our ascent (Plane) to power (Tank) through design and machinery we have created. The rocket taking off represents how we have done achieved "out of this world" objectives and the machines producing the goods in the next scene shows, that all while we have done this, we can produce using industrial design and share it with all of human kind..